
World Book Day 4th March 2021

World Book Day 4th March 2021

Today we are asking children to share their book characters with us to celebrate world book day. 

Use #thetoyboxironbridge or tag us @thetoyboxironbridge or share your pictures and favourite books to our facebook page. 

Here’s mine and a little bit about why I chose Amelie Earthart. 

Amelia Earhart is a big inspiration for me, having spent a lot of my career in the skies... from flying in planes and helicopters in the RAF, to travelling the world with British Airways, and then gaining my own private pilot’s licence.
The Little People, Big Dreams series of books is just fabulous and great for showing children just what can be achieved by following their dreams.
Mine ultimately led me to the Toybox not the skies, but I couldn’t be happier and I get to play for a living and meet so many wonderful children and grown ups!

Yvonne Simons
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Lawley Primary School’s story writing competition.

Lawley Primary School’s story writing competition.

As part of Lawley Primary School’s Year 3 English work, the children were asked to write a fictional story based in Ironbridge and set in The Toybox.
To say we were thrilled is an understatement, and being asked to judge the stories was a huge honour.
The quality of writing was fabulous and bore so much imagination and detail; we have found it very difficult to chose.
We’d like to say a massive thank you to all the children who took part, and a huge congratulations to the finalists Ava, Anais, Dylan, Freya, Iris, Iyana, Jenson, Oliver and Tiana. It was so very hard to chose between you, you were all so different in many ways; funny, kind, smart, creative, thoughtful, detailed, expressive and exciting.
There were some wonderful descriptions of the town, the shops, the landscape, the bridge and the river. Excellent close observations of the Toybox itself, all so very colourful and detailed, such as the iron railings going up to the door, the hot air balloons the solar system and aircraft hanging from the ceilings. I particularly liked the other sensory descriptions, the sound of the old door bell, the joy you felt as you heard the music, and my particular favourite, the smell of ice cream from the fish and chip shop next door!

Congratulations to the winners Jenson and Freya.

Read their stories on our facebook page.

Yvonne Simons
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