Tonie - Tom Fletcher - The Danger Gang


Inquisitive kids who love stories with spark will want to join new-kid-on-the-block Franky’s Danger Gang, and all they need to do is pop this Tonie on top of a Toniebox.
Written by McFly’s Tom Fletcher – who also narrates alongside Harry Potter star and actor Tom Felton – The Danger Gang is a twisty-turny tale full of magic and danger (obviously).
Whether they’re listening on a road trip or tuning in at home, this electrifyingly entertaining tale will keep older kids on the edge of their seats.

Age 7+

List of titles:

01 - PROLOGUE: The Storm
02 - CHAPTER 1: January
03 - CHAPTER 2: February
04 - CHAPTER 3: March
05 - CHAPTER 4: April
06 - CHAPTER 5: May
07 - CHAPTER 6: June
08 - CHAPTER 7: July
09 - CHAPTER 8: August
10 - CHAPTER 9: September
11 - CHAPTER 10: October
12 - CHAPTER 11: November
13 - CHAPTER 12: December
Running Time

approx. 252 minutes

Age Recommendation

Age 7+


Tom Felton, Tom Fletcher